The Samo music program built their ‘Stairway of the Stars’ beautifully
Sophie Salem, Staff Writer
The 71st annual Stairway of the Stars concert took place in Samo’s Greek Theater after two years of isolation. With nearly a thousand elementary, middle and high school students across the stage, music truly filled the Santa Monica air on Saturday March 19. SMMUSD orchestra students truly displayed their connection to music and how much improvement is made from that shy fourth grader to a senior in high school. The elementary school orchestra started off the show with a bang, and instruments that looked bigger than their faces. Next, the middle school students performed with clear improvement and new techniques. Last but not least, the high school students performed, proving how much they have had to climb to reach their full potential. Kira Kolhoff (’22) thought Stairway was a great experience and really enjoyed listening to every group’s pieces.
“It was so nice to be with everyone and listen to all the younger students,” Kolhoff said.
Each and every orchestra student shined through with their well-practiced music and collaboration.
Gwen Warren, Staff Writer
The Samo madrigal choir ensemble performed “Kuimba Nafsi Yangu,” “May it Be,” “La Sopa de Isabel,” with Lincoln and John Adams middle school and “Here comes the Sun,” with both middle schools and all SMMUSD elementary schools. With a community of musicians all performing together, Nadiya Sayson (’22), expresses the positivity that music has brought to her.
“The Samohi choir program has taught me that there are so many people who are just like me, who love to sing and work with others to make beautiful music. Choir has challenged me to always give my best effort regardless of how I am feeling individually since it is such a communal organization,” Sayson said.
As everyone finally came together to perform live in front of family and friends , it became a cherishable moment for the musicians. Kaine Zeoli (’23) explains his highlights of the concert.
“I loved seeing the elementary school kids playing their instruments or singing. The music program has severely diminished since the pandemic and seeing them gave me hope for the music program in the future. Plus, “Blackbird” is always a classic,” Zeoli said.
Gwen Warren, Staff Writer
With the whole orchestra and choir ensemble joined together, Samo band also performed as well. All three groups started the concert with the infamous Stairway to the Stars song conducted by Tom Whaley, the visual and performing arts coordinator. Joey Hoover (’22), explains his favorite moments of the concert.
“My highlight of the concert was playing the National Anthem and Stairway to the Stars with 800+ musicians,” Hoover said.
As this is the last Stairway concert for seniors, Miles Tobel (’22), expresses his passion for Samo concerts now that it is his last year.
“It is less of a sense of pressure and more closure because it is nice to have these concerts. I have been doing this 5th grade and it is a nice way to go out,” Tobel said.
Now that seniors have come to the end of their stairway career, it’s time to celebrate. From hours of after school rehearsals, to perfecting those notes in their room alone at home, these students have come so far and have so much to be proud of. Now, elementary students, I expect to see you build your own stairway to the stars!
The SMMUSD Choir, Band, and Orchestra, total of over 833 students, performing together in the Stairway of the Stars concert. The bands sat to the left of the stage, orchestra on the right, and choir in the center, on the bleachers. Stairway has always been the concert that brought the music program together, and nothing says togetherness like huddling around each other outside on a chilly afternoon.